Pool Deck Color Survey

What's your favorite color for MGII's new pool deck?

The old pool deck coating here at Mountain Glen II will soon be replaced, and your Board of Directors would welcome your input on colors. Please look at the attached pictures or, better yet, go up to the pool and see the samples now on display there.

Please log in or sign up to submit your response. Submissions closed on Wednesday, December 20 at 11:59 PM.

The colors under consideration are, from top to bottom in the picture below:

  1. Spanish Brown
  2. New Cape Cod Gray
  3. Sand
  4. Omaha Tan

The colors under consideration are, from left to right in the picture below:

  1. Spanish Brown
  2. New Cape Cod Gray
  3. Sand
  4. Omaha Tan

Please select one color from the samples shown above.