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Traffic Safety Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey! Your input will help the MGII Board of Directors improve traffic safety on Harding Street and within our community.

Please log in or sign up to submit your response. Submissions are open through Tuesday, June 22 at 11:59 PM.

Which best describes your MGII property?

Below is a diagram of SPEED BUMPS, SPEED HUMPS, and SPEED TABLES (Source: The National Association of City Transportation Officials).


BACKGROUND: The MGII Board of Directors would appreciate your opinion on various options for improving traffic safety on Harding Street. Before entering your responses and/or comments, please read this brief background to help you make an informed decision.

COSTS: If approved, all costs associated with this Harding Street project will be borne jointly by MGI (32%: based on 150 homes) and MGII (68%: based on 317 homes), per our governing Cost Sharing Agreement. The costs provided reflect MGII’s share for each option below.

Referencing the diagram above, SELECT ONE of the options below as it relates to traffic safety along Harding Street


BACKGROUND: A few homeowners have expressed concerns to the MGII Board of Directors about vehicles driving at unsafe speeds within the community. As a result, the Board is considering speed-calming measures, such as adding speed bumps at various locations within our community.

COSTS: This project, if approved, would be funded 100% by MGII homeowners at a cost of approximately $3,800 per speed bump.

Please check the box next to each location where you think a speed bump should be installed (multiple selections allowed).

Any additional comments or suggestions: